BlogHacking28TH DEC 2023
AuthorSamir Yawar
8 min read

How Can An Attacker Execute Malware through a Script [Explainer]

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With every passing day, cybercrooks come up with extremely innocuous-looking means of stealing our data. One potent weapon in their arsenal is the execution of malware through scripts, which work in the background. Today, we will cover how can an attacker execute malware through a script and how to protect yourself against them.

While today’s topic is a very technical one, there’s no need to worry. We’ve made it simple for anyone looking to understand how it all works.

How Can An Attacker Execute Malware through a Script?

It all starts with a scripting language.

They are the lines of code that run your favorite apps and websites, helping power anything from social media to your favorite streaming service. The internet as we know it today couldn’t exist without powerful scripts and programming wizardry.

And yet, scripting languages have become a double-edged sword in the world of cybersecurity, serving both as essential tools for legitimate programming tasks and as gateways for attackers seeking to execute malicious code.

Popular Scripting Languages used by attackers

There are quite a lot of scripting languages. We will keep it simple by focusing on three prominent scripting languages frequently exploited by cybercriminals - PowerShell, Python, and JavaScript.

Social Engineering Tactics

A piece of malicious code is useless unless some unsuspecting user clicks on it. This is where social engineering comes in.

Understanding Human Psychology

Social engineering leverages psychological tactics to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential information or, in the context of script-based attacks, executing malicious code. Attackers prey on emotions like fear, curiosity, or urgency to bypass security defenses.

Luring Users into Action

Attackers often create scenarios that prompt users to take actions contrary to their best interests. Whether through deceptive messages, false promises, or exploiting current events, social engineering techniques are designed to make users lower their guard and unwittingly cooperate with malicious activities.

We’ve got phishing emails, brand impersonation, and spoofed websites that can help attackers steal your data. All of them rely on scripts as well as social engineering tactics to accomplish their dastardly goals.

Techniques Employed by Attackers

We all have anti-virus and anti-malware software that catches malicious code from wreaking havoc on your systems. But every now or then, some types of malware evade detection.

Here’s why this happens.

Code Obfuscation

Code obfuscation is a technique employed by attackers to deliberately make their malicious scripts more complex and challenging to understand. By obscuring the code's structure and logic, attackers aim to evade detection by security solutions, making the analysis and reverse engineering processes more difficult for cybersecurity professionals.

Obfuscation Techniques

Attackers use various obfuscation techniques to camouflage their code:

Challenges for Antivirus Programs

By using code obfuscation tactics, security software may miss malware signatures. Here's why this happens:

Static vs. Dynamic Analysis

Traditional antivirus programs often rely on signature-based detection, which involves matching known malware signatures. However, obfuscation alters the signature of the malware, rendering this approach less effective. Static analysis, based on code inspection without execution, struggles to reveal the true intent of obfuscated scripts.

Polymorphic Code

Code obfuscation can introduce polymorphism, where the script's appearance changes each time it is executed. This dynamic nature makes it challenging for antivirus programs to create accurate and reliable signatures, as the malicious code constantly mutates.

Evasion of Heuristic Analysis

Obfuscated code may bypass heuristic analysis, as the altered structure and flow can mislead security solutions into categorizing the script as non-malicious. This poses a significant challenge for antivirus programs that rely on heuristic algorithms to identify previously unseen threats.

Fileless Malware Attacks

A paradigm shift in cyber threats, fileless malware operates in the shadows of a computer's memory, leaving no trace on traditional storage.

Here is how it works.

In-Memory Execution

Fileless malware operates entirely in the computer's memory. Attackers leverage legitimate system tools and processes, such as PowerShell, to execute malicious commands directly in memory, making detection more elusive.

Evading Traditional Defenses

This type of threat poses a significant challenge to traditional malware protection tools, as it circumvents signature-based detection that typically targets files on disk. Since there are no files to analyze, traditional antivirus solutions struggle to detect and prevent fileless attacks effectively.

Behavior-based analysis can help

Are fileless malware impossible to find and combat? Not quite. It just requires a different kind of approach.

Detecting fileless attacks requires a shift from file-centric approaches to behavior-based analysis. Security solutions must monitor the system's behavior in real-time, identifying abnormal activities such as unauthorized process injections, unusual network communications, or suspicious memory manipulations.

Behavior-based analysis focuses on identifying deviations from normal system behavior. Anomaly detection becomes crucial in recognizing the subtle signs of fileless attacks, allowing security solutions to respond promptly to mitigate potential damage.

How to Protect Yourself Against Script-Based Attacks

In the relentless battle against script-based attacks, implementing robust security best practices is the first line of defense. 

Here are actionable strategies for both users and organizations to fortify their digital perimeters:

For Users:

1. Keep Software Updated

Regularly update operating systems, browsers, and software applications to patch vulnerabilities that attackers may exploit.

2. Exercise Caution with Email Attachments and Links

Be skeptical of unsolicited emails, especially those containing attachments or links. Verify the sender's legitimacy before interacting with any content.

3. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Employ complex passwords and avoid password reuse across multiple accounts. Consider using a reputable password manager for added security.

4. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA adds an extra layer of protection, making it more challenging for attackers to gain unauthorized access, especially against script-based malware attacks. Here's how you can make the most out of multifactor authentication.

5. Stay Informed

Stay updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and trends. Awareness is a powerful tool in recognizing and avoiding potential risks.

For Organizations:

1. Employee Training and Awareness:

Conduct regular security awareness training for employees to educate them on the dangers of script-based attacks and how to recognize social engineering tactics.

2. Implement Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)

Limit user access rights to the minimum necessary for their roles. This mitigates the impact of successful attacks by restricting unauthorized access.

3. Network Segmentation

Segment networks to contain potential breaches. If an attacker gains access to one segment, the damage can be confined, preventing lateral movement.

4. Implement Robust Endpoint Protection

Deploy advanced endpoint protection solutions capable of detecting and mitigating script-based threats. These solutions should include real-time monitoring and behavior analysis.

5. Regular Security Audits

Conduct periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure that security policies and controls are effective.


In the cat-and-mouse game of cybersecurity, staying ahead of attackers requires a comprehensive understanding of their tactics. One doesn’t need to be a programming wizkid to thwart script-based attacks. But it does help to have a basic understanding of how attackers execute malware through scripts.

Only by arming ourselves with the right knowledge can we empower ourselves to build robust defenses that can withstand the ever-present threat landscape. Vigilance, education, and advanced security measures are our allies in this ongoing battle for digital security against malicious software and attack vectors.

Samir Yawar
Samir Yawar / Content Lead
Samir wants a world where people can instinctively whack online scams and feel accomplished without the need for psychic powers. As an ISC2 member, he is doing his bit to turn cybersecurity awareness training into a fun concept with simple, approachable and accessible content. Reach out to him at X @yawarsamir
FAQsFrequently Asked Questions
A scripting language is a type of programming language designed for automating and executing specific tasks, often in a runtime environment.
Attackers may use scripting languages to execute malicious code, leveraging vulnerabilities or employing social engineering tactics to deceive users into running harmful scripts.
Code obfuscation is a technique used by attackers to make their code more challenging to understand, hindering analysis and detection by security solutions.