Discover how your industry can benefit from Pureversity

Phishing attacks alone constitute 40-60% of all cyber attacks. Learn how to protect your business from human-centric cyber threats with our game-based learning solution.

Marketing Agencies

Marketers know that its all about communicating your message the best way. Pureversity strives to do the same by blending the power of narrative, storytelling, and fun into one cohesive security awareness training package, making it the right fit for marketing agencies.


Startups have become appealing cybersecurity targets. Studies reveal that about 60% of small businesses fold within 6 months of a cyber attack. Instill a good cybersecurity culture in small teams with Pureversity's game-based security awareness solution.

Healthcare Industry

Healthcare industry is one of the most heavily impacted by cyber threats i.e. social engineering, ransomware, and improper handling of patient data. Pureversity helps you bring about beneficial, lasting changes in behavior among medical workers.

Ecommerce Industry

Ecommerce companies remain an attractive target for cybercriminals since they store sensitive consumer information, from payment card data to customers’ names, even addresses. Pureversity helps your staff identify, report, and remediate suspicious activity and behavior.

Journalism and Media

Journalism and media organizations need to learn how to check for fake websites, phishing emails, malware links, and much more in an increasingly hostile environment. Pureversity can help you learn how.

Insurance Companies

Insurance companies face data breaches and social engineering attacks, putting sensitive customer information an your firm's reputation at risk. Pureversity helps you stay prepared and simultaneously achieve your data security and compliance goals.